The Journal

Reflections on the Feminine Christ Energy
Humanity’s collective fall in consciousness brought us to the level of the wounded solar plexus, the seat of personal power, identity, and will. Here, masculine energy became dominant focused on control, survival, and materiality. The feminine, with its intuitive, nurturing, and connective qualities, was suppressed. This disconnection created the illusion of a "motherless collective," leaving humanity fragmented and directionless.

The Masculine Energies Distortion vs. Sacredness
The distorted masculine shows up in ways that are disconnected from its true essence. It often comes from unhealed wounds; fear of failure, inadequacy, or a need for power and validation. This energy thrives on control, consumption, and avoidance of responsibility, masking its vulnerability with dominance or escapism…

Threads of Alignment: A Day in Divine Flow
Today felt like a quiet journey of alignment- a day full of subtle yet powerful moments.
It started with a simple prayer with my mom, just the two of us sitting in stillness before the day began. Lately, I’ve noticed her spending more time in bed, feeling low. Part of me wants to pull her out of that space, but I’m realizing that it’s not my role to change her path.

The Sacred Exchange of My Work
I’ve been reflecting on my sessions and the sacred containers they create. It’s becoming so clear to me that this work isn’t about “clients” or “sessions” in the traditional sense. It’s not about booking or providing a service it’s about stepping into sacred exchanges with souls who are ready to meet themselves at a deeper level. These containers feel alive, dynamic—spaces where co-creation happens, where divine intelligence moves through both of us in ways that are perfectly aligned.

Fragmentation to Sovereignty
Stream-of-consciousness between me and your higher self.
Higher self, I’ve been reflecting on that time in my life when I was just stepping into my awakening. It feels like such a whirlwind now—beautiful, chaotic, and filled with so many lessons I didn’t even realize I was learning at the time. I see now how I was fragmented, trying to understand myself through others, and how that opened the door to so many dynamics that weren’t sustainable. Why was it like that? Why did I attract so many co-dependent energies?

Claiming My Sovereignty
I just had a beautiful, heartfelt moment of prayer to God that brought tears to my eyes. As I was scrolling through TikTok, I came across a creator named Jasmine. She’s a big presence, and for a moment, I just felt into her frequency. The way she articulates herself is so beautiful—fluid, cohesive, congruent, concise. It’s as if her mind works so quickly, reflecting and expressing with such clarity.

From Divorce to Rediscovering My Center.
This journal reflects a personal journey of transformation and self-discovery, particularly in the aftermath of a divorce. The writer shares their struggles in trying to salvage their marriage, grappling with self-blame, seeking therapy, and attempting to see things from a higher perspective.

From Disconnection to Integration: My Inner World Revelations
Dive into the unexplored realm of inner consciousness, where revelations spring forth from introspection. Discover how the interplay of mind and heart shapes our existence, and the profound impact of energy on our perceptions. Join me on this transformative journey from disconnection to integration, embracing authenticity, grace, and boundless potential.

Have you ever had precognitive Dreams?
Dreams are often a manifestation of our subconscious. Some dreams are just a reflection of the events of the day, while others are more meaningful. Then there are other types of psychic dreams such as:
Precognitive dreams: a dream that seems to have predicted a future event is identified as a precognitive dream. For example, dreaming about a friend you have not seen in years and then running into the person the next day…

On Letting Go of a Relationship
I met a guy when I was 18 that changed my world at a time when I really wasn’t searching. He was funny, witty, intelligent, charismatic, educated, a great writer and conversationalist. But he was emotionally underdeveloped.
I quickly found the relationship taking a significant shift from inspirational thoughts, conversations, creation, and activities. All the things that brought us together were becoming obsolete. I soon found myself always fighting for his attention, spending much of my time and energy nurturing him and trying to turn him into the person, the man, I knew deep down was him-that in the process I forgot about myself.