Claiming My Sovereignty

I just had a beautiful, heartfelt moment of prayer to God that brought tears to my eyes. As I was scrolling through TikTok, I came across a creator named Jasmine. She’s a big presence, and for a moment, I just felt into her frequency. The way she articulates herself is so beautiful-fluid, cohesive, congruent, concise. It’s as if her mind works so quickly, reflecting and expressing with such clarity.

In that moment, I felt a deep, body-wrenching desire to be able to fully express my true essence, to no longer hold back, and to allow my soul to speak through me. I want to feel what it’s like to be so in alignment with my essence that there is no hesitation, second-guessing, or editing as I speak no confusion. I want to flow effortlessly and seamlessly from my soul.

As I felt into this, I began thanking God with all my heart.

God, You are my heartbeat. You are the reason I am here and why I want to be here. You are my pulse, and through You, I have learned so much about detachment. In this experience, I now understand why desire is important. I now desire—with my whole being—to fully be here on Earth.

So many lightworkers and starseeds, since childhood, have felt a yearning to be elsewhere, a longing for home. But home is right here. I came here because I love God so much that I wanted to know what it’s like to be in physicality, to experience being in physical form while living in heaven. Since I was a little girl, I’ve always said I’m here to bring heaven to Earth. This knowing was within me long before social media or spirituality became popular. No one taught me this; it was naturally planted within me. As a child, I yearned for God. It’s my reason for existing.

And now, I want to have a fully lived, rich human experience. I want to embrace all the beauty and magic this reality has to offer. To truly have a rich human experience, a fully incarnated one, is to bring God into the physical—to merge divinity with the human experience, to live in the kingdom of heaven within myself while engaging with physicality.

But to have that opportunity, we first must decide to be all in. We must choose, through free will, in the here and now, to consciously reclaim this choice. For so many, it doesn’t feel like a choice. Many feel like they didn’t choose to be here, or if they did, they regret it. The first step to reclaiming our sovereignty is to desire, truly desire, to be here. To fully step into this reality in full color. By making this conscious choice, we reclaim our power.

This choice takes us out of victim energy entirely. We can no longer see ourselves as victims, even to the false systems around us, because we are empowered. I chose to be here because I wanted—truly wanted—to experience what it would be like to have a fully awakened human experience. I wanted to know what it would be like to see, feel, and live in the physical world through the eyes, mind, and heart of God. To bridge heaven and Earth.

That is my true north, my ultimate desire, the foundational desire that shapes everything else. Even now, as I write this, I feel all the feelings rising within me. It feels so raw and emotional.

I want to be fully alive. I want to feel fully. I don’t want to numb my inner truths. I want God to move through me. I want to fully experience my true essence in physical form and allow it to be embodied and expressed for the experience itself. Because the liberation that the body, mind, and soul feel when they unite is profound. They become one cohesive unit, synchronized and harmonious—just like God.


Fragmentation to Sovereignty


From Divorce to Rediscovering My Center.