As I take you on a journey within and beyond


As I open up your understanding to new dimensions


As I fill you with Light energy from your base to your Crown Chakra


As YOU Experience the restorative and transformative power of the Divine Mother


As we awaken your Essence


As we awaken the God-Goddess Consciousness in Humanity


As we bring Beauty, Harmony, Pleasure, Light, Love and Peace to the Earth


As we create a new reality together of Soul Embodied Beings


As we usher in NEW EARTH, it’s a great time to be alive.

What is the Temple of Divinity?

A Temple: is an experience created to collectively presence an aspect of the Divine. 

The Temple of Divinity: is a multidimensional temple connected to the Divine Mother that Stephanie portals through her body during ceremony.

She is able to go into full trance-medium channeling and travel through the different gateways of the chakras all the way up to the 14th dimension which allows her to bring forth and embody the different spectrum and frequencies of the DIVINE FEMININE.

All the way from the Dark Goddess primordial energies, which is the energy needed when people need to face their darkness (the shame, their guilt, resentment, rejection, abandonment wounds the heavier stuff to just sadness, depression, not feeling loved, stuck in not finding their purpose, not speaking their truth, etc.) all the way up to the Divine Mother.

She literally becomes a portal , therefore she is the portal during the ceremony.

The energies in the temple not only allow you to release, heal and bring up anything that has been truly repressed but the Temple gives you an opportunity to come face to face with your HIGHER SELF in a profound way. For some it gives them the opportunity to embody their Higher Self into their physical vessel for the duration of the ceremony.

It’s truly one of those experiences that can’t be described only experienced.

Requirements to Attend the Temple?

The Divine Mother has given me a few requirements needed before you are allowed to enter the temple and experience its divinity. Not everyone will be ready for the temple.

The first requirement is the purity of heart and the pure part is innocence. It's innocence; that's what the purity of heart is.

This means trust therefore Innocence equals Trust, so the purity of the heart is that you have enough innocence, which means you have enough trust, and now you need to be able to surrender so that you can start the purification process of traveling through your lower realms ( your lower chakras).

Pure of Heart = Innocence=Trust=Surrender

This is the formula that will allow you to enter the temple to start the purification process.

And the purification process is what will allow you to start to awaken your essence. The purification process is the cleansing of your chakras, purifying the energies and removing malware, implants, and programming from the technology in your multidimensional bodies.

As your Life force energy is activated it will assist you in unplugging from the false matrix operating system and instead plug you into your essence where you will start to master energy and eventually become fully soul embodied. Which is what NEW EARTH energies are about, becoming superhuman by bringing your multidimensional self into the BODY.

But before you can do that, you have to update your technology-light body and unplug from the frequencies of the false matrix. ( Fear, Stress, Apathy, Shame, Guilt, Survival energies, false light, disconnection from love and spirit…)

We are all Divine expressions. In walking the path of your own unique Spirit, you can more easily move through this world while expressing divinity as only YOU can do.

The Journey of the Temple

The Temple of Divinity is a safe space of radical liberation, where you will be taken to your darkness but you will be witnessed through it enveloped and embraced by the loving compassionate presence of the Divine Mother whose ready to meet you as you travel upwards throughout your chakras. 

She will wake you up, start the purification and activation process. She will bring up all the things you’ve been running away from, all the things you want to keep buried in the shadows but with ultimate compassion. This is what makes this so special, you will have never felt so safe and loved through your darkness.

The Divine Mother works to heal, restore, replenish, and ultimately free YOU.

She will bring your unconscious suffering to the light so that she can transform it through unconditional love. Purifying your vessel and getting you prepared so that in time when YOU are ready, you can begin your Kundalini journey from matter to consciousness.

Whatever frequencies you are in need of, you will be able to access them in the Temple of Divinity each person will receive what they need for their next level.

In the Temple of Divinity, you go on a journey from your lower chakras to your higher charkas, you go from the lower realms to the higher realm- which is what today’s mainstream spirituality is missing.

Because everyone always wants to focus on the light, on the higher realms, the higher chakras first. They want to start from the top down “I want to open up my third eye or crown chakra” not realizing you have to start from the bottom up. You have to travel through the underworld ( lower chakras) to make it to the higher realms (higher chakras) and this is the work most humans avoid doing, they bypass.

In the TEMPLE OF DIVINITY, you cannot bypass you have to be willing to surrender, to travel into the dark, the pain to reach the light. We earn the light by going through the dark.

Otherwise what you see on the world stage are many people who are in False Light energies.

It’s been said that in the temple some people have seen Angels, Galactic beings, Dolphins, Mermaids, Dragons, beings from the elemental realm and more…


How long is the temple & how many people attend the Temple of Divinity?

The temple can be hosted anywhere for 1- 3 nights, it depends and usually it’s Friday-Sunday. Right now the temples are for small and intimate experiences of 8-10 people max. We do offer private 1:1 ceremonies from time to time.

At the beginning of 2023 the temples are being offered for ONE day and half a day of integration.

Who Hosts the Temple?

The Temples are hosted by Stephanie and there are some temple where we bring a Goddess Priestess and/or Shaman that has trained with Stephanie to hold space and assist in the healings.

In the future as the temples expand there will be several Goddess Priestesses | Galactic Shamans who will be holding space in the temples for more guests.

Is the Temple of Divinity only for Women or can Men attend?

The temple is for both men and women, however there will be three types of temples held. All Women temple, All Men temple and sometimes we will allow a temple that is mixed both with men and women. As of right now we’ve been mostly hosting all women group temples.

However, we do host private 1:1 temple ceremony for those interested.

How can I attend a Temple of Divinity?

As of right now to attend a temple is through an application & process the more requests we get for a specific city the higher the chances we will take a temple there.

The temples will be held in different cities and countries throughout the year.

Please check the Temple tour calendar below on the website for your city or country.

If you are interested in applying to attend a future Temple of Divinity you can fill out the application below and we will contact you when they become available.


The reclamation of your God-Goddess consciousness. It is time to awakened your essence and become soul embodied. No more fearing your power, playing it small and letting the matrix control your sovereignty. It’s time to unplug and awaken your ESSENCE.