Turn up the Inner Glow:

Get Ready for a Heart-to-Heart Connection  


Hello there, I'm Stephanie. Since I was a little girl I've felt a inexplicable connection to Jesus, Mother Mary, and, most profoundly, to the angelic realm. This bond, amplified by my innate gifts of Claircognizance and clairsentience, has always given me the sensation of being a part of something far greater than our visible world.

At the tender age of 11, I started to question the traditional church teachings, embarking on a spiritual quest that became my beacon of light, especially through the tumultuous teenage years filled with personal challenges, depression, and my mom's illness.

Approaching my 30s, meeting my then-husband signified a pivotal shift. I now see that my soul needed to plunge into the 3D experience (Phantom Matrix), to immerse in a reality steered by the lower chakras, by fear. This journey, though facilitated by my marriage, led me away from a heart-centered consciousness, proving to be a necessary detour for profound remembrance.

After nearly five years in a marriage lacking essential connectionsโ€”being truly seen, heard, and deeply connectedโ€”I found myself submerged in a dynamic that smothered my inner voice and dimmed my spirit. It was a period of silence for me, enveloped in melancholy, feeling muted and disconnected from my essence.

Then, one day, lying in bed, I experienced a profound awakening. A "download" or a deep inner message broke through, warning me that staying in my marriage would cause me to miss my life's mission. Though the specifics of this mission were unclear, I've always sensed I was here for something beyond the ordinaryโ€”a purpose greater than myself. This realization resonated within me deeply, like a code unlocking my path forward.

This awakening spurred a sequence of synchronicities, marking the beginning of my journey back to self. It was about piecing together fragments of my essence, a quest to feel my true self again.

Post-divorce, I underwent a powerful Kundalini awakening, catapulting me into the exploration of higher spiritual realms. This experience thrust me into understanding the nuances of spiritual ego, a journey through extremes, teaching me the critical lesson of balanceโ€”navigating between the spiritual highs and lows.

Now, as a Spiritual Catalyst and energy worker, I draw upon these experiences to support others on their spiritual paths, particularly those navigating Kundalini awakenings or spiritual ascension. My journey has instilled a deep empathy, compassion and inner-standing for these transformative processes.

My mission is to guide and support you through your unique challenges, helping you find balance and harmony on your spiritual journey. It's not about fixing or learning more but unlearning and remembering what's deep within.

We're all on this human journey, navigating between the spiritual extremes, learning to come back to our heart, our center. It's from this sacred space that we can genuinely experience the divine, not just around us, but through us, and as us, embracing the Christ consciousness within.

Let's embrace this transformative adventure together, rediscovering our true essence, guided by compassion, unconditional love, and wisdom.

Itโ€™s time to return home, to your center, to walk the middle path.

Heaven on Earth ( Christ Consciousness ) is here but itโ€™s within YOU.

In Jesus's profound declaration, "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father," lies an invitation to inner transformation and divine embodiment. This isnโ€™t about following him in a conventional sense but about a deep, personal journey inward to unleash our divine potential.

Jesus calls us to discover and activate the divine spark within, a journey of becoming that mirrors his own embodiment of divine consciousness. Yet, as we each walk this path, our expressions of this divine essence will uniquely reflect our individual soul prints.  Just as Jesus's manifestation of divinity was unique to his mission and being, so too will our expressions differ. What remains constant is the essence of Divine, Christ Consciousnessโ€”the unifying thread that connects us all.

By embracing this call, we undertake a transformative spiritual journey, not just to emulate Jesus but to live out the divine qualities of compassion, healing, and unconditional love in ways that resonate with our unique being. This is not about external adherence but an internal awakening to our true essence, deeply connected with the divine.

As we align with divine consciousness, the realization dawns that our potential is boundless, capable of transcending even what Jesus achieved, each in our own unique way yet connected by the universal thread of Christ consciousness.

In cosmic love,


You are, at your core, a being of energy.

Your Body is the Technology

Imagine for a moment that every atom within us is not a solid entity, but a wave of possibilities, dancing in an expanse of vast emptiness. It's a fascinating revelation that our physical form, which seems so solid and definitive, is composed more of voids than of tangible matter; we're essentially more about vibrations than about mass. This understanding opens us up to the profound impact vibrational energies can have on usโ€”energies that can lift us or weigh us down, shaping our experience of life.

Consider the notion that our bodies are not just biological systems but intricate forms of technology, portals through which we navigate the universe. However, this magnificent capability is often dampened by lower, denser frequencies that hinder our journey towards fully awakening our Light-body and expanding our consciousness.

The path of awakening, often symbolized by the Kundalini journey, is indeed a voyage of discovery and transformation. It begins with a phase of purification, where we are invited to embrace our totality by confronting and experiencing all that we are not. This journey, akin to ascending Jacob's ladder, spirals through our very spine, leading us back to the heartโ€”the seat of what many refer to as Christ consciousness. But to embark on this ascent, we must first clear away the energies rooted in fear, making room to connect with the spectrum of love.

This journey is essentially about mastering the subtle art of energetics. You are, at your core, a being of energy. Now is the time to embrace this truth and become adept in the game of energetics. It's a gentle reminder, shared not from a place of teaching but from a space of shared understanding and inner wisdom, that we are all on this journey together, learning to navigate the vast energetic landscapes of our existence with love, grace, and awareness.

This is an Energy Game my loves, you are primarily an energetic being, It's time now, to master the games of energetics.

โ€œI never knew, how capable I was of extreme rawness & vulnerability without regret or fear until I started this journey of coaching with Stephanie โ€

โ€”Brittany Krup.


Resources for every stage of self discovery

One on One Mentorship

A Personal Vortex for YOU to cultivate deeper levels of Self-Awareness & connection to Higher Self with me as your Cosmic-Earthly Guide.

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A live interactive community to support you in your Ascension Process. Monthly Live Zoom calls, Archives of Healing Sessions, Live Q&A and moreโ€ฆ

Follow the Journey.